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2022-2023 School Calendar and Activities

2022-2023 School Calendar and Activities

2022-2023 School Calendar and Activities – The Department of Education issues DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022 or the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2022-2023.

The SY 2022-2023 shall open on Monday, August 22, 2022, and shall end on July 7, 2023. It shall consist of 203 school days or as may be determined by further issuance/s in case of changes in the school calendar due to unforeseen circumstances. For more information, read DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022:

11 JUL 2022
DepEd ORDER No. 034 s. 2022

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM Schools Division Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads, ALS Community Learning Centers
State/Local Universities and Colleges Heads
All Others Concerned

  1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2022-2023 in accordance with its commitment. to the resumption of 5 days in-person classes despite the health crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Pursuant to Republic Act 11480, An Act Amending Section 3 of RA No. 7797, otherwise known as “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days”, the School Year 2022-2023 shall formally open on Monday, August 22, 2022, and shall end on July 7, 2023. It shall consist of 203 school days or as may be determined by further issuance/s in case of changes in the school calendar due to unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Unless otherwise amended, the period of the SY 2023-2024 will start from August 28, 2023, to June 28, 2024, and SY 2024-2025 will be from August 26, 2024, up to June 27, 2025. A separate DepEd Order (DO) shall be issued for the School Calendars of the respective school years above.
  4. The learning intervention for Alternative Learning System (ALS) shall formally open on the same date while the program duration will depend on the learner’s educational background or existing knowledge level prior to enrolling in the ALS program.
  5. Private schools and state/local universities and colleges may implement this. school calendar, provided they start classes not earlier than the first Monday of June and not later than the last day of August. Any deviation from the school calendar shall be reported to the respective Regional Offices in advance.
  6. The number of school days in this DO shall solely be dedicated to academics. and related co-curricular activities. The conduct of extra-curricular activities shall be strictly prohibited. The list of co-curricular activities will be issued in a separate DO.
  7. This DO shall apply regardless of the COVID-19 alert level imposed by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases or the Department of Health in areas where schools are located.
  8. The Implementing Guidelines on the SY 2022-2023 Calendar and Activities are provided in Enclosure No. 1 to ensure that the number of school days required for curriculum operations and academic-related activities are properly complied with. It likewise ensures that schools are given the necessary information on how to manage certain situations involving COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
  9. In preparation for the opening of classes, Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela shall be conducted, focusing on information campaigns and strengthening partnerships that complement the Department’s effort to ensure quality basic education.
  10. This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance and publication on the DepEd website and shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR)
  11. For any clarifications or inquiries, please contact the Office of the Director IV, Bureau of Learning Delivery, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through the email address at bld.oda or telephone numbers (02) 8636-6540/8637-4347.
  12. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


Download: DO No. 34, S. 2022

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